Dakotah's Journal


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11 entries this month

21:50 Aug 31 2016
Times Read: 911

Well I can say I am an ex smoker now. I still crave one now and then but I have not smoked since I started almost 2 weeks ago. Smoke free. I had/have some great support that helped me: My Lili, friends here, friends rl, family... I have given up an addiction of nicotine. Now I ask Creator daily every morning to be with me and keep me smoke free for this day.



22:00 Aug 31 2016

I will always be there for you. I know it wasnt easy at first but you made it because you believed in yourself. You are strong and you can achieve everything because you trust yourself.

I will always suport and love you my warrior

22:02 Aug 31 2016

I love you. :) Well, I guess we have let that cat out of the bag big time! haha.


Day 7

00:29 Aug 27 2016
Times Read: 930

Today at lunch I hit the gym and worked out for 30 min, all upper. I have had a few cravings real Hard ones but lasting not as long. I have dunk a lot of cranberry juice. Smoke Free. I am really amazed I am doing this.

I have been praying morning for myself and Mag's for Creator to help us each day. I hope she is still smoke free.... she is a great lady. Mag's lets hear from you... We got this!

*kisses lili*



00:48 Aug 27 2016

"Kisses Dakotah"

Just think and do stuff that distract you from wanting to smoke

Read. Go out for a walk.

It helps alot


00:25 Aug 26 2016
Times Read: 955

Day 6- SMOKE FREE and craving a cigg... Mags, I do not want to do the list because at the moment I want one real bad that lol one good thing I might smoke... maybe a few months from now. But lets focus on the bad: Causes all kinds of illness.... its expensive... 2nd hand smoke does affect those around us and our pets.... I mean lets focus pon the bad things about smoking... and YOU'RE doing it Mags... I am doing it and lets do this and not smoke so we do not have to go though these terrible first days... Remember- IT GETS BETTER!!!!!..... Right?



01:48 Aug 26 2016

It does

Think that tomorrow you will be a week smoke free. That is amazing. And Magdalena soon she will be a week smoke free too

And as you said that bad and negative things are more than the good one in smoking.

You can do it guy. Stay strong. We are so proud of you



23:32 Aug 24 2016
Times Read: 974

Day 5. I want to smoke REAL bad. After I eat is worse. Also I notice I am snippy but I sure as hell don't want to do 5 days like this again so I am NOT picking up. This is the worse day so far. Come on Creator, make it better.... and Thank you ALL for the support and the tips. I have been using them all. I got carrots and have been eating those, helps because I also have something in my hand and it keeps my mouth busy... I drink cranberry juice suppose to clean your system of nicotine, chewing gum and sucking on candies , peppermint candies seem to help the most... This by far is the hardest day.



23:43 Aug 24 2016

I'm still having headaches, and I cannot wait for them to end.

Have you thought of making a list of "Pros and Cons" where not smoking is concerned to help you stick to it?

23:51 Aug 24 2016

You are doing fine Magdalena. Just like Dakotah

The start is the hardest but when the week pass by it will be easier. You two doing amazing job dont give up now


18:31 Aug 23 2016
Times Read: 990

Day 4- smoke free. I get the desire a lot but I get my mind of it. Mainly is I do not want to go though this again.... to quit and start again and quit again. It's VERY hard. I want to smoke but I do not wan to go though this again. I have 4 days now. That's pretty damn good.



19:02 Aug 23 2016

One day more to the no smoking. I know its hard.

I havent smoke for months and I still miss it every now and then.

You are doing great. You are strong. You can do it love.

In the week you will complete of no smoking we will party!!!!


17:06 Aug 22 2016
Times Read: 1,021

Day 3 - Smoke Free

I almost feel like I am cheating because I have a cold and I have been sleeping a lot. But its day 3 and I have not smoked since I started this.



17:50 Aug 22 2016

Sleep is good. It always help the healing of the body if you are sleep. I hope when you wake up you will feel better than before.

And you are doing just fine. 3 days so far. You are amazing.

18:01 Aug 22 2016

You are doing awesome!! You are stubborn, so I know you can stick to your goal. :)

Hopefully you are drinking a lot of water? Do you have any eucalyptus or peppermint? Those scents help with a cold and cough (oils or boil on the stove top).

18:08 Aug 22 2016

Cloves - apply on the back of the tongue to curb nicotine cravings.

Oranges - relieves anxiety.

Also try grapefruit, blueberries, pineapple.

Cinnamon - decrease the craving for a cigarette (suck or chew a cinnamon stick).

Nuts - promotes healthy arteries (also raisins, dried apricots, figs and dates).

Popcorn - crunchy food that keeps your mouth occupied!


I'm still looking for more tips....

You can do it!


19:01 Aug 21 2016
Times Read: 1,067

Day 2 Cravings....

I want one BAD...a Cigg but remain smoke free... I can do this...I can do this. I can do this.....the craving is real bad at the moment.... But I shall stand strong. The reasons matter to me. I will NOT smoke.



19:22 Aug 21 2016

Chocolate, brother! Chocolate... ;))

You make it, you have a strong will!

19:27 Aug 21 2016

You can make it love I know you can.

Think something else. The first days are the hardest I know.

You can do it. You are my strong man

Chocolate isnt bad :)

21:27 Aug 21 2016

I read somewhere that Celery carrots and crunchy snacks will sometimes help with cravings. Or maybe even Chew a stick of gum when you feel like to picking up a cigarette. Or when a craving hits, stop what you're doing if you can. And do something else. Often just changing your routine will help you shake off a nicotine craving or so I've heard.

21:41 Aug 21 2016

I will try anything, still smoke free, still want to do this. Thanks for the tips you three... mean a lot. Going to try all these.

22:04 Aug 21 2016

Pop a piece of gum in your mouth.

22:41 Aug 21 2016

Stay strong I understand how hard it can be just one day at a time

22:43 Aug 21 2016

Having peppermint helps to I learned that it helped with my cravings when I was quitting

00:16 Aug 22 2016

I've lost count of how many pieces of gum I've chewed now.

I'm not sick, but I do have terrible headaches; which I'm more than used to with nicotine withdrawals. Luckily, I have taken ibuprofen, and sleep seems to be helping relieve some of the pressure from the headaches.

My juice should be here tomorrow.


01:40 Aug 22 2016

I wish you both the best of luck ^_^

17:07 Aug 22 2016

LOL Yeah Mags I am already sick of hard candies.


Day 2 Smoke Free and Sick as Hell

11:40 Aug 21 2016
Times Read: 1,109

Day 2 smoke free!!!! Yeah and all. I have slept like every 3 hours Lili sends me to bed. I vague remember something....Oh yeah, falling asleep in my chair is funny. I want a cigg bad but for the next hour I will not smoke. Please I am sick and I tore what I had left up and threw them away and I have a fever and can't drive. So...yeah... Thank you Creator for this cold and fever and the long hours of sleep.



11:57 Aug 21 2016

I know that your chair is soft and comfy like butter cloud but your bed is better for resting. But I think you are too cozy on there to move my stubborn man

11:59 Aug 21 2016

LOL I fall asleep In my chair. It took me like 20 min to just post in the roll call thread in our coven. I think you need to send me back to bed.

13:38 Aug 21 2016

I told you that you are stubborn. Ill have to roll the chair next to bed. Push you out of it under your blanket and tie you on bed so you can finally rest and get faster well. What can i say. I love a stubborn man. "hugs you"

16:01 Aug 21 2016

Lil....you wanna tie your man to the bed?? ;D

Now you have my attention!

16:08 Aug 21 2016

Sister you have a kinky mind. It was a way of speech. :P

But my man should stay in bed so he can get well fast. He knows I care and love him to much to tie him on the bed

16:13 Aug 21 2016

Hey....i was not the one who started with push you and tie you up! ;D

But i know that my little sister is a wild chick! ;)))))


08:00 Aug 21 2016
Times Read: 1,126

I think Creator wants to help me out. He gave me a cold so I not want to smoke. My cough is still bad, oh and I have a fever 100.6. That's up from 100.4.

----Smoke Free



08:07 Aug 21 2016

Smoke free and sick

Well its a way for not smoking and not wanted to smoke

Not the best way but everything happens for a reason.....

08:20 Aug 21 2016

Do you get coltsfoot there? Thats the best against cough, we used this here since centuries..... unfortunately its prohibited here now cause the pharma industry discovered it for meds...

11:58 Aug 21 2016

We use to get coltsfoot here too and I think I know a place selling it still. Figures something that works they take off the market

12:06 Aug 21 2016

The ridiculous thing is that the say it cause cancer.... so private people are not allowed to buy it direct, but they use is in syrup that you can buy....

Our healers and wise woman here used it to heal all kind of hard infections....

I let a friend of mine sent it years ago from Germany when i had a real bad pneumonia....

13:24 Aug 21 2016

I live in Canada. Why we got it here.

15:59 Aug 21 2016

Dont know, maybe Europe...or some countries here have more strict laws...


Day 2

06:46 Aug 21 2016
Times Read: 1,133

I am sick! I caught a cold. Bad cough, chills, headache, dizzy. Maybe this is a good thing. I slept all day and remained smoke free. But gods... I feel like shit. Sure don't feel like smoking. Think I am running a fever too.

Day 2. Smoke Free



06:50 Aug 21 2016

Sorry to hear that, I hope you feel better soon

07:04 Aug 21 2016

Try to rest as much as you can stay in you warm bed and drink a lot of fluides. At least as you said you wont think of smocking. Get well fast love "hug you tight"

Wish I was there now


The Night Before

04:23 Aug 20 2016
Times Read: 1,169

I have a bag of hard candy. Some gum and a straw. A friend I know who quit she said holding a straw helped because it replaced that cig in her hand. I am using the One Day At a Time method from the 12 step programs. I will be honest too. If I slip I will post it. First few days I might have to break the day down 'Just for the next hour I will not smoke.'

My Reasons

1. Well as most of you know from reading my journal the love of my life has cancer. I do not and will not have smoke around her. Once Lili is cured from her cancer we will be together RL. And I pity the person who ever smokes around her.

2. I want to live a good long healthy life with Lili where we both are healthy and die of old age and not some smoke related illness.

So there you have it and its the night before. Part of this is I WANT to quit. It just hit me a week ago that I wanted to stop. Since I turned my life around years ago I have worked with some Spiritual Guides in my Cree community. They taught me how to meditate. They helped me to find Creator and believe in him. They taught me how to smudge and do morning meditation ritual daily. And except for when I was in the hospital recently with Kidneys stones I have done my morning ritual faithfully. I want to be healthy. I want to live a healthy life.

I believe Creator gave me the gift of Lili. And yes she is a gift; what we have is a gift and something beautiful. I thank Creator daily for putting her into my life so now its time for me to take some action and put down a poison stick I light up and inhale toxins and a drug into my body.

I had quit smoking when I was 19 and I went cold turkey then and was smoke free up till 2 years ago. So I did it before; I can do it again. Back then the first 7 days were hard. Then on about the 8th day I knew I was home free.

So I start tonight Googling and came across this that I plan to use- Tools to help me quit and I hope will also help my dear friend Mags to quit too. She jumping in my wagon and we are going to do this together. Also, anyone else who would like to join us in stop smoking- hop right in.

1. The Law of Addiction - "Administration of a drug to an addict will cause re-establishment of chemical dependence upon the addictive substance." It's rooted in studies finding that lapse equals relapse for nearly all quitters.

Nicotine dependence is real drug addiction. While most walk away from trying to cheat when quitting feeling like they have gotten away with it, we cannot cheat the design of brain circuitry whose job it is to make activating events nearly impossible in the short term (the time needed for recovery) to forget or ignore. And it wouldn't be long before we found our brain wanting, plotting to obtain, or even begging for more.

The natural insecticide nicotine has de-sensitized and rewired your brain, causing it to grow millions of nicotinic receptors in at least eleven different regions. Although nicotine's arrival is accompanied by alertness, not intoxication, numbness, euphoria or a racing sensation, the wanting you'll feel for that next fix flows from the same dopamine pathways as the wanting felt by the alcoholic, heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine addict.

Treating true addiction as though some nasty little habit capable of manipulation, modification or control is a recipe for relapse and an early grave. Fully accept who we are, real drug addicts. It can be our most liberating moment ever. Accept that there is no such thing as just one, that one will always be too many, while thousands never enough.

Remember, half of adult smokers continue to smoke themselves to death. They lose an average of 13-14 years of life (U.S. male & female rates). Your smoking deathline -- the point beyond which the damage done makes quitting and regaining full life expectancy impossible -- is approaching. It's time for quitting games to end. Nicotine dependency recovery truly is all or nothing. And there's one rule which if followed makes failure impossible: no nicotine today!

2. Measuring Victory - Forget about quitting "forever." Like attempting the seemingly impossible task of eating an entire cow (steer), it's the biggest psychological bite imaginable. Why not instead eat one nice juicy steak at a time. Adopt a realistic and do-able victory yardstick that celebrates freedom an hour, challenge and day at a time. If you insist on seeing success only in terms of quitting forever, then on which day will you celebrate? Who is coming to that party?

3. Emotional Recovery - Chemical dependency upon smoking nicotine is one of the most intense, repetitive and dependable relationships you've likely ever known. It has infected almost every aspect of your life and thinking. Be prepared to experience a normal sense of emotional loss when quitting which transports you through six very different phases: (1) denial, (2) anger, (3) bargaining, (4) depression, (5) acceptance, and (6) complacency. This emotional journey is normal and a necessary part of recovery.

4. Do Not Skip Meals - Each puff of the stimulant nicotine was your spoon releasing stored fats and sugars into your bloodstream via your body's fight or flight pathways. It allowed you to skip meals without experiencing wild blood-sugar swing symptoms, such as an inability to concentrate or hunger related anxieties. Why add needless symptoms to withdrawal? Instead, learn to spread your normal daily calorie intake out more evenly over the entire day. Try hard not to skip breakfast or lunch. It's not about eating more food but less food more frequently.

Drink plenty of acidic fruit juice the first three days. Cranberry is excellent and a bottle will cost less that a pack of cigarettes. It will help to both accelerate the up to 72 hours needed to remove the alkaloid nicotine from your bloodstream, and help stabilize blood sugars. Take care beyond three days as juices can be rather fattening.

5. Avoid All Crutches - A crutch is any form of quitting reliance that you lean upon so heavily in supporting recovery that if quickly removed would elevate risk of relapse (a person, product, service or activity). If you feel the need to lean upon a quitting buddy be sure that your buddy is either a sturdy long-time ex-smoker or a never-smoker.

With the exception of using extreme care with alcohol during early withdrawal, you do not need to give up any activity when quitting except for using nicotine. Likewise, successful long-term quitting is not dependent upon you engaging in any new activity either. Contrary to the junkie-thinking which an endless cycle of urges and wanting forced you to invent, you will quickly adjust to doing everything you did as a smoker, and doing so as well or better as an ex-smoker.

6. Crave Coping Techniques - You have conditioned your mind to expect the arrival of nicotine when encountering various times, places, activities, people, events or emotions. You should expect to experience a short yet possibly powerful anxiety episode lasting up to three minutes the first time you encounter each crave trigger.

Don't fear or hide from your triggers but confront and extinguish each of them. You'll find that most are re-conditioned by a single encounter during which the subconscious mind does not receive the expected result - nicotine. Welcome and embrace every episode as each reflects a beautiful moment of subconscious healing, and the reclaiming of another aspect of life.

 photo z_CraveGrafBW 1_zpshxydhwhy.jpg

One crave coping technique is to practice slow deep breathing while clearing your mind of all needless chatter by focusing on your favorite person, place or thing. Another is to say your ABCs while associating each letter with your favorite food, person or place. For example, "A" is for grandma's hot apple pie, and "B" is for ..." It's doubtful you'll ever reach the challenging letter "Q."

7. Cessation Time Distortion - Studies show that nicotine cessation causes significant time distortion. Although no subconsciously triggered crave episode will last longer than three minutes, to a quitter the minutes can feel like hours, especially if they panic. Keep a clock handy to maintain honest perspective.

8. Caffeine/Nicotine Interaction - Amazingly, nicotine somehow doubles the rate by which the liver depletes caffeine. Yes, your blood-serum caffeine level will double if no caffeine intake reduction is made when quitting. Although not a problem for most light to moderate caffeine users, consider cutting caffeine intake by roughly half if troubled by anxieties or experiencing difficulty relaxing or sleeping.

9. The Smoking Dream - Be prepared for an extremely vivid smoking dream as tobacco odors released by horizontal healing lungs are swept up bronchial tubes by rapidly healing cilia and come in contact with a vastly enhanced sense of smell. See it as the wonderful sign of healing it reflects and nothing more.

10. Relapse - Remember that there are only two good reasons to take a puff once you quit. You decide that you want to go back to your old level of consumption until smoking cripples and then kills you, or you decide you really enjoy withdrawal and you want to make it last forever. As long as neither of these options appeals to you the solution is as simple as ... no nicotine just one day at a time, to stick to your original commitment to ... Never Take Another Puff!



14:08 Aug 20 2016

When I got sick again I out down a cigarette and haven't picked up another. Granted this is my second time quitting lol. The first time I got sick I did the same thing and foolishly when I began to feel a little better I picked up smoking again, then...I got really sick again and haven't smoked since...but who knows, when I begin to feel better, if this new medication works, I'll probably start smoking again but I definitely shouldn't.

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